30th Annual Joseph C. Andrews Mentoring Celebration

The UCF Black Faculty and Staff Association invites you to attend the 30th Annual Joseph C. Andrews Mentoring Celebration on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. in the Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom. Our speaker will be Mr. Terry W. Prather, who serves as the Board Chair for Visit Orlando and is the Director & Chairman of the Board for Dr. Phillips Charities. He is a celebrated tourism executive, a former President of SeaWorld Theme Parks & Affiliates, and holds the distinct honor of being the first African-American general manager of a major theme park.
Our theme this year is:
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington
For campus partners who wish to reserve a table(s) at the celebration, contact Dr. DeLaine Priest at DeLaine.priest@ucf.edu. The cost to purchase a table for ten is $400; individual seats are $40 each. If you plan to transfer funds, please use the BFSA Cost Center: CC10245 and Fund code FD630, (Program: PGC3, Financial Site: ST101, Financial Initiative: IN10006). Please make personal checks payable to BFSA and submit to — ATTN: Dr. DeLaine Priest, MH 282.
For external campus partners who wish to reserve a table(s) at the celebration, please visit: https://bfsa-ucf.org/www/event/30th-annual-joseph-c-andrews-mentoring-celebration/ where table purchases can be made online via credit card.